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I first became involved in this amazing bush tea story after publishing my book, A Look Over The Edge which was the achievement of a life long dream - to write a book one day! Writing a book is one thing, marketing is a whole new learning curve. I began taking my book and many similar books to large field days, and set up a small business, Aussie Outback Books. Sorry book lovers - I no longer have a separate website for books, however I do still have a long list of available books attached on this site under the tab, Aussie Outback Books. Please contact me if you want something that is not listed or does not have a buy button at the moment.
It was through the books my first introduction to Scaevola spinescens came via a story contained in the late George Latham's wonderful book - Copperwire George, where in his words he tells the story of how white people in Western Australia first found out about the 'maroon bush'. He also tells another story of a lady he put onto the maroon bush tea for her cancer, leaukemia, I think it was, and how he lost track of her and met her again 20 years later in good health.
After writing 'A Look Over the Edge' I determined not to write another book until I had a big enough inspiration. I found my big inspiration - This amazing little plant.

I continue to welcome any personal stories of the use of this plant to become part of a future revision of the book outlines the history of its use in Western Australia and also any information on the plant which may aid in research. This will continue to bring together a pool of information and experience to help individuals who want to try something different but are not sure which way to go. Please contactme if you have anything you feel should be included in this book, or you may wish to contact me for something else - whatever reason I look forward to hearing from you. If you feel you can help or want to add your voice in any way please don't hesitate to call me or email. Jeanie
16/8/2011. Well,
I set myself a deadline to have the Maroon Bush Story as I call it finished in time to take it to the 2011 Dowerin Field Days. The book Nature's Helping Hand - Scaevola Spinescens, History and Use in Western Australia The Maroon Bush Story is now out of print and only available in eBook form. You can purchase the eBook from the tab, The Maroon Bush Story page on this site.
Please be sure to click 'Return to Merchant' after completing your payment and download the eBook onto your phone or device. If you have difficulty with ordering or downloading please email or call me.
The book contains: My introduction to the Maroon Bush story, Newspaper articles from 1947 to 1985, Health Department notes, University Research Notes, Recipes and stories of use for various conditions. It has a great colour cover and colour pictures throughout.
2018. The Maroon Bush Story is now available in Ebook on this website. Paper copies will become available when reprinted at some point in the future.